Chapter 3: Basic markdown rules

Basic symbol

  • *,-,+ they have the same function,and be named the Markdown symbol.

  • The blank line indicates another paragraph

Change the line

  • Single paragraph (& lt; & gt;) with a blank line

  • Two consecutive spaces will become one <br&gt(Line breaks);

  • 3 consecutive symbols, followed by a blank line, indicating the hr horizontal line (a horizontal line)


  • proceed h1--h6,you can add 1--6 #,for example,# First-level title,## Second-level title...

  • Bold text is through the text around the two **


  • Add ">" and a space on the first line to indicate the code reference, and can also be nested


  • using *,+,- and add a space to show a

  • Can support nesting

  • The ordered list is represented by the number + the English dot + space

  • Write directly [text](your hyperlink address)

  • Shorthand url:Wrapped with angle brackets url.This is the url anchor text is the url itself

Insert pictures

  • Single line: ![alt_text](url "title")

  • Reference representation: ![alt_text](id),preordered [id]:url "title"

  • use directly<>label,this allows you to specify the size of the image

Special symbol

  • Use '\' to escape the markdown symbol in the text

  • You can use the html tag directly in the text, but pay attention to the use of time, before and after the blank line

  • A symbol is added before and after the text, indicating italic

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